Autofina is Established in the year 1994. Its an ISO 9001-2008 Certified Company.
Being its kind, We offers a complete solution for Water Transfer Printing in India ranging from specialized job works, consumables like water transfer films and chemicals and even on-site training. For all aspiring hydro printers. Our aim is to provide this revolutionary printing technology to all concerned in India, and to become the most dynamic Hydrographics solutions provider. Water Transfer Printing Service has unlimited design potential.
We have over 39,000 Sq. Ft. factory space. More than 200 highly skilled workers. Generator Backup of 125 KVA. 3 Painting Lines with 3 painting booths each with Pressurized, side draft type, AHU with 5 micron filters, Kaeser screw compressor with dryers and 2 stage filters, 4 Oil fired ovens. Component size we can cater from 25 mm to 3 meters. Our offered products are widely appreciated by our clients for their enormous features such as easy to install, finely finished, sturdy, simple mounting, water resistance and durability. The offered products are made available in safe packaging options to prevent them from physical damages while transportation.
Video Presentation

Autofina has state of the art positive pressurized, side draft type paint booths ensuring clean & dust free painting area. These booths are equipped with efficient air handling units with dust control effectiveness of up to 5 micron.

Water Transfer Printing film is to print various types of patterns on water-soluble PVA. More than thousands of different patterns have been developed, including wood grain, carbon fiber, stone, metal, designing and camouflage.

Autofina is equipped with Testing Lab capable of performing both quality & performance test of painted components. In house testing lab is equipped with equipments such as Gloss Meter, DFT Meter, Adhesion Tape tester, Mistubishi Pencil tester,....
- Automatic conveyor based water transfer machine
- 4th Generation Mitsubishi Microprocessor controls
- All Stainless Steel film contact parts
- Unique ‘Rotate tower’ conveying
- Built-in Poka Yoke Jig mounting
- Completely air conditioned booth
- Conveyorised washing machine
- & Fully Experinced Team
New Factory Inaugration
Our new factory inaugration ceremony is in just few days.
Latest Technologies
We have upgraded very latest technologies machinery and set up for serving our customers need more efficiently.
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June 17, 2013 / 12 CommentsEum tibique consectetuer in, an legimus referrentur vis, vocentaylo deseruisse ex mel. Sed te idque graecis. Vel ne libris dolores[...]